I live in a small town outside of Davenport,
IA. I attend the largest high school in IA,
Davenport West High. The school is
very overcrowded, but I love the facilities that
are available there. At school, I am
involved in some activities. The most important being
wrestling. For four months this is
my number one priority. Going without food for days
someitmes can make me a moody person.
I also play soccer and am one of the two
techies for all music and drama events.
I love to be involved with plays and musicals.
During the summer I work at a small water
park. Although Wacky Waters takes most
of my time, I still have a social life.(small,
but there)
My most prized possesion, is my computer.
on the new K6 series chip by AMD.
It is a AMD K6 200mhz. 32meg EDO ram, 4.3gig
drive. I could go on and on...
but lets just say that I like it.
This is a brief, very brief, summary of me.
If you would like to know more. Just send
me some comments.