Resources Hosted by DoddsNET
Moreso than most other networking groups on the Internet, DoddsNET is
very much about the community. And we can say that with a straight face,
because we don't get jack squat in return for the time and money we pump
into this project.
As part of our continued commitment to improving the quality of life in
this global electronic community of ours, DoddsNET hosts a number of
resources of general and special interest. We hope that some may be
general or special enough to interest you.
Linux Schtupf
The Linux PMac archive
Is the chipper smiley face that pops up every time you turn your computer
on starting to get you down? Well, you could go out and install
BeOS. Or, if you're not a developer and don't want to shell out hard cash
to make your PowerMac less user-patronizing, you can take a look at this
collection. DoddsNET houses a mirror for much of the material you'll need
to get started on an install of PowerMac Linux.
Tired of seeing X login screens in the local computer labs that look
prettier than yours? Here's your answer. XBanner is a package which, when
coupled with the standard xdm, lets you customize away the boring gray
Don't lurk now...
Created and produced by the Internet's own
favorite son, Joseph Michael Straczynski, Babylon 5 continues to win fans
by filling its viewers' nights with horrific images of giant man-eating
space ducks. Doing our part to help keep the dream alive, DoddsNET has
made its collection of B5 sounds, pictures, and video clips available by
anonymous ftp.
Other Resources
Iowa Interstate Railfan's Guide
Created by Nathan Holmes
and Michael Petersen, two
looney, crazed railfans with too much spare time, film, and computer
equipment on their hands, the Iowa Interstate Railfan's Archive is just
that - a guide to this midwestern regional, including roster shots and
info on every locomotive, as well as maps and tips on railfanning the
The Chip Directory
The definitive web tool for Electrical Engineers, this is a giant
compendium of most of the known integrated circuits, with listings of
their purpose, manufacturer, and most importantly for those of us who can
never find our databooks because they're buried under piles on our desk,
the pinouts of most of these parts.
Politics for Sport and
Data Encryption Standardz-B-Gon
As part of our penance for the greased pig,
DoddsNET did its part to promote peace and goodwill by helping DESCHALL
rub the US government's noses in their own llama manure. As the Wheel of
Morality tells us, encryption is good, good, good, but government
regulation of encryption is bad, bad, bad, because after all, the
government has its own agendas, which don't include
keeping your data safe. Although the DES Challenge itself is now over,
we've kept the ISU DESCHALL homepage around as a memento--and as a
springboard for those who would like to find out what all the fuss was